It’s been really incredible to
relive the journey we took in meeting and getting to know these wonderful and
ingenious people. Then to go over each of their recordings, turn them into
transcripts and in many cases translate them as we transcribe, it’s like
reliving the entire scene again and again. For a one hour session recorded in
Italian it takes Paul and I two hours to translate—a lot of work. If you
consider that most of our interviews are no less than 2 to 3 hours and that we
have over 20 interviews in Italian, that’s a lot of late nights. In Teo’s case,
they were days’ worth of recordings. Ultimately, it’s in the contents of the
dialogue where we get caught up in discussions between the two of us with
absolute amazement at some of the material these generous visionaries provided
for us. Every brewer, writer, judge, server, bartender and on and on gives us a
greater peek into this marvelous and ever growing movement. We are, as always,
humbled by their generous portions of honesty and knowledgeable thoughts and
Paul and I have had many in depth
tête-à-têtes having to leave the transcribing/translating a side for an hour to
really engage in the exchanges we just finished listening to. Discussions such
as Craft vs. Artisanal or what size of production qualifies or disqualifies a
craft brewery or an artisanal brewery.
There are also the thousands of
pages, electric and paper, of content to shuffle through, finding facts,
arranging notes to match such facts. There are the thousands upon thousands of
amazing quotes we’ve gathered and garnered for future chapters we have yet to
write. But again and again, the main ingredient we continue to assert as the
first ingredient to this movement is the absolute passion these men have for brewing
beer. This, of course, could be said for any craft brewer, without a doubt. But
this hearing today in an interview with Agostino Arioli about taxes and tax
laws, I have to give a mass amount of condolences and respect for the obstacles
these men hurdle and have overcome to survive in an unfriendly tax system in an
economic quicksand under the scrutiny of a hard-pressed consumer still
reluctant to accept beer as truly an Italian product now.
As Teo Musso put it, “The Italian
market is much, much harder to crack because we are pickier about what we eat
and drink.”
But the Italian tax system is a
gregariously hungry and corrupted beast that will continue to pray on the
profits of these hard working and hard pressed breweries until the Italians can
overcome their main and truly deep-rooted issue of not getting along and
uniting against a common cause. It’s just something Americans would find
difficult to understand. The cultural seeds of mistrust and suspicion for one another
have been sowed thousands of years ago and continue to crop up at every
brewer’s association or organization splintering any solid attempt at attacking
the tax Goliath.
All this adds up to another and
more global issue for the Italian craft beer movement—prices. An Italian craft beer
is taxed 25 cents on the liter or about 10 cents a glass and when you consider
that the average bottle is 75cl, the amount taxed per bottle is roughly 45
cents. This cost is solely on the product, not the production, not the labels,
which are also taxed, the exportation taxes, the outrageous employment taxes or
the many other taxes that can be slapped on or disregarded according to each
taxman in every little community whose interpretation of that tax will change
again with every new taxman that replaces another. To put it in another way, to
this day, technically, small brewers are still not allowed to export beyond
their own brewpubs.
“We were not supposed to
distribute or sell outside the pub.” Agostino Arioli explained to us. “The law
was, and still is very clear because the same law rules now. It says you may
exist but it doesn’t say how they should control you. I had no big problem with
them in my area but in some other areas of Italy they had bigger problems with
them. Because this law says nothing clear so nobody could decide and so the
brewers made their own decisions. They say no you can’t absolutely sell outside
your brewpub. No, you can’t absolutely export. It’s a mess. So now we are
waiting for new laws.”
This is why, in the beginning
Italian craft breweries all were brewpubs. That’s why today, as this law just
simply is disregarded to some extent that some new breweries have decided to
not have a brewpub. Risky move if you consider that should the Italian
government decide to nationally crackdown and implement the exportation law,
many new breweries would be shut down. They would be considered bootleggers.
But with all this, they continue
to brew. And for this, we raise our glasses to them.
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